Energetic Body Work
Energetic Bodywork: Healing Your Body, Healing Your Mind – Healing Hands Massage School (hhs.edu)
Healing Touch
Tower of Compassion at Kanemoto Park (visitlongmont.org)
LGBTQ Resources
Freeing hearts to love and be loved! (freedhearts.org)
Why I chose my LGBTQ daughter over the Evangelical Church | Susan Cottrell | TEDxMileHigh
Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s)
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) (cdc.gov)
Your Number Story (La Historia de tu número) – Your number is the story of your ACE history
Nadine Burke Harris: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime | TED Talk
The “life-changing” story Oprah reports this week
Dr. Burke Harris and Oprah Winfrey discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) for NumberStory.org
Oprah, ACEs, & the Momentum of a Social Movement – Origins (originstraining.org)
Healing from Toxic Stress with Dr. Nadine Burke Harris | ACEs Aware – Take action. Save lives.